The UK's Best

Functional Skills Diagnostic Tests

Discover learners’ current levels and key areas for improvement with free functional skills diagnostic tests in maths and English. Pass provides functional skills maths and English initial assessments, along with subject knowledge assessments, to support targeted learning and development.


Discover learners’ current levels and key areas for improvement with free functional skills diagnostic tests in maths and English. Pass provides functional skills maths and English initial assessments, along with subject knowledge assessments, to support targeted learning and development.

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Free Diagnostic Tests

Pass offers free, bespoke functional skills diagnostic assessments, designed to help learners identify their Current Level.


Ongoing Progression Tracking

Learner’s progress is tracked from the moment they take the initial assessment, right throughout their course, with the advanced current level system.

Supporting ESFA Funding Rules

Use our free diagnostic assessments to support the functional skills flexibility requirements as described by the ESFA funding rules.


The UK's Best Diagnostic Assessments. 100% Free.

Pass provides bespoke functional skills maths diagnostic assessments and English diagnostic assessments completely free of charge for all learners.

Initial Assessment

Easily determine the learner's current level and suggest an appropriate course for them to enrol on.

Subject Knowledge Assessments

Identify specific topics that need further improvement and produce an individual learning plan.

Supporting ESFA Funding Rules

Use the free diagnostic assessments to support the functional skills flexibility requirements as described by the ESFA funding rules.

Free Initial Assessment

The functional skills initial assessment operates uniquely to offer a more accurate reflection of a learner’s current level. Each question is carefully chosen and weighted according to its difficulty and relevance within the functional skills curriculum. Correct answers and their weights combine to establish the learner’s level, which then provides a basis for ongoing progress tracking.

Unlike other systems, the Pass progress tracking updates in real-time, reflecting the learner’s level every time they answer a question. This eliminates the need for multiple functional skills diagnostic tests, which only offer snapshots of progress. On the platform, learners can actively see their improvement as they progress. Training providers can register to use the free functional skills initial assessment, diagnostic tests and more, and monitor learner results continuously.


Identify Gaps in Knowledge.

Pass offers a Subject Knowledge Assessment, which identifies specific topics a learner needs to improve on. While the initial assessment determines the appropriate course level, the Subject Knowledge Assessment highlights areas for focused study and recognises prior learning by showing which topics a learner can already answer correctly. On the back of this, an individualised learning plan is created which learners can work through.

Both functional skills diagnostic tests are used by training providers to meet ESFA funding requirements. Pass is the only platform offering these assessments without any registration or licence fees, allowing unlimited free use.


Determine Current Level

The English and maths diagnostic tests help determine a learner’s Current Level. The ‘Current Level’ reflects a learner’s attainment within the functional skills curriculum, calculated from the initial assessment and updated after each exercise on the functional skills student platform. This unique system uses a complex algorithm that considers question difficulty and applies weighted scores. Unlike simple percentage scores, it accounts for learners’ ability to handle more challenging questions, while adjusting less for gaps in easier areas. This ensures learners are placed in the right course for their ability, with targeted support to address knowledge gaps.

The Pass approach uniquely identifies capable learners who may have significant areas for improvement, unlike any other assessment or diagnostic test.


Current Level Breakdown

  • 0 - 0.69

    Entry Level

    Limited prior knowledge and potential difficulties with using the software. While they could be considered for Level 1, they are currently performing at Entry Level.

  • 0.7 - 1.49

    Level 1

    The learner is ready to start the Level 1 course, which will strengthen their understanding of essential concepts, setting the foundation for further development in the Level 2 course.

  • 1.5 - 2.49

    Level 2

    The learner is ready to start the Level 2 course, where they will build confidence quickly, They should be ready to pass the qualification in a relatively short period of time.

  • 2.5 - 2.9

    Exam Ready

    The learner is ready for the exam. They could take the Subject Knowledge Assessment to pinpoint Level 2 topics for review but this isn't essential ahead of taking their exam.


Do Pass offer free functional skills diagnostic assessments?

Yes! Pass functional skills diagnostic assessments are completely free to use for as many learners as needed. Whether there are 10 learners or 1,000, the English and maths diagnostic tests remain free. Pass is committed to providing learners with maximum access to free functional skills resources, offering both free course options and free diagnostic tests to support learning and development.


Which maths diagnostic tests are offered by this service?

Pass offers two types of maths diagnostic assessments: an initial assessment and a subject knowledge assessment. Both serve as valuable tools for learners to determine their current working level and subject understanding. These maths diagnostic tests are entirely free for learners to use.

Which English diagnostic tests are offered?

Pass provides two types of English diagnostic tests: an English initial assessment and a subject knowledge assessment. These are excellent tools for learners to assess their current working level and subject knowledge. Both assessments are completely free for learners to use.

Is the Initial Assessment Unique or is accessible elsewhere?

It is only possible to access the Pass initial assessment through the pass services. Look out for the ‘Powered by Pass‘ logo.

How do the Subject Knowledge Assessments work?

Pass offers subject knowledge assessments that evaluate a learner’s understanding of each key area of the curriculum. These assessments help identify specific gaps in knowledge, allowing for the creation of an individualised learning plan tailored to the learner’s needs. This targeted approach ensures that learners focus on the areas where they need the most improvement, maximising their progress.

Who determines which course a learner is enrolled onto?

Training Providers and educators determine which course a learner is enrolled onto. The Pass initial assessments are just a tool to guide this process, but the educator will always have the choice of which course is most appropriate for their leaner.

How do these diagnostic tests help with the ESFA requirements?

The ESFA mandates an assessment of current ability for apprentices who cannot provide evidence of prior Level 2 Maths and English qualifications. These assessments must use tools aligned with national literacy and numeracy standards and the core curriculum, as specified in the ESFA funding rules. Pass functional skills diagnostic tests allow training providers to fulfil these requirements free of charge.

What are the different types of diagnostic tests and what are the differences?

The term ‘diagnostic tests’ includes both Initial Assessments and Subject Knowledge Assessments, as both are designed to evaluate different aspects of a learner’s abilities. The Initial Assessment determines the learner’s overall level, while the Subject Knowledge Assessment identifies specific topics within that level that need further development.