Malvern Business Academy Case Study

Since 2016, Malvern Business Academy has been working with young people and vulnerable adults who wish to become employable but lack the qualifications or experience to gain work. Malvern Business Academy uses our initial assessments in English and Maths to establish their learners’ current level in these subjects and choose which exams to take. We’re so glad to assist Malvern Business Academy in providing opportunities for young people to learn their English and Maths!

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Why Malvern Business Academy Recommends Pass

  • Remote Learning Flexibility: The Pass student software platform provides the remote learning materials and initial assessments that Malvern Business Academy needed to effectively assess and educate their learners.
  • Critical Initial Assessments: The initial assessments play a crucial role in identifying each learner’s level, particularly in English, which is the main focus for most learners.
  • Progress Monitoring: Based on initial assessments, Malvern Business Academy can determine learners’ readiness for testing and support them through practice papers, coaching, and on-demand exams.
  • Empowering Learners: For many learners, passing their English qualification with the help of Pass marks their first educational achievement, creating a sense of pride and accomplishment.
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Malvern Business Academy Q&As

Why did you choose Pass over other providers?

“Malvern Business Academy is professionally a business consultancy but since 2016 we’ve worked with young people aged 18 to 24, generally care leavers, those who haven’t had access to education, just in the local area, in order to assist them to find work. And we run a programme called Be Your Own Boss you can have a look at it called if you want more information. Been doing it since 2016 and bit by bit adding to the programmes that we have on offer for them to do it we do it all as a voluntary peace people come voluntarily and we provide everything free of charge.”

What specific services do you offer through Pass?

“I’m a Pearson Centre for a BTEC qualification that the young people can do which used to be entrepreneurship but now is work skills. One of the things that they didn’t have at all was Maths and English and so I wanted to be able to offer that, so I am able to offer functional skills exams via Pearson, but I needed access to some good quality learning materials, and everything I do is remote, and particularly also the initial assessments, that kind of piece, because a lot of these young people even though they’ve not done School they are not daft, and I had to have some way of understanding I couldn’t I couldn’t get that very easily out Pearson I don’t know why I probably haven’t unlocked what is needed. Anyway, I came across, can’t remember how I came across Pass, so it was for that purpose, you’ll know however long it is I’ve been with you, so it’s a critical piece of it that. I use is the initial assessments, and for a lot of these young people, I’m starting off with another group in couple of weeks time, that’ll be one of the first things that they do is to do the initial assessment, and then if they, usually it’s their English we look at first, if it’s near enough level one then I can give them test papers to do and I coach them to get through the tests and then I do them as an on-demand with Pearson and I can do that for level one English because I have enough of them to do the speaking and listening in small groups. I haven’t had anybody do maths, I have given the licenses to them to learn their English and math, and again for me it’s about giving young people the opportunity to do it, whether or not they do do it, but they can’t say that they haven’t got the opportunity.”

Do you have any success stories from your students?

“Because the initial assessment sort of opens up where we go with their English in order for them to pass it, I’ve got a number of photographs of these youngsters, for many of them, they’ll have struggled to get qualifications, and the English one probably is the first one they’ve had. I’ve had young lads, well you know not so young, 20, 21, tears in their eyes when that certificate, I present it in a frame when they get it. I know it comes from Pearson rather than yourself but it’s Pass that’s kicked that stuff off so you’re absolutely vital to that story.“